1. HK Lucke ‘Good Faith and Contractual Performance’ in PD Finn (ed)Essays on Contract(Law Book Co Sydney 1987) 155. The principle of good faith as introduced by the Romans was refined by the rise of Christianity, development of ecclesiastical courts and the development of Scholasticism in the 11th–13th centuries. Thomistic philosophy regards good faith as a precept of natural law, and con sequently as a precept of all laws, both canon and secular.
2. (1766) 3 Burr 1905, 1909; 97 ER 1162, 1164. See alsoMellish v Motteux(1792) Peake 156, 157; 170 ER 113, 113–14.
3. R HarrisonGood Faith in Sales(Sweet & Maxwell London 1997) 4–7.
4. Bell v Lever Bros Ltd [1932] AC 161 (HL) 227.
5. Sir Thomas Bingham ‘Foreword’ in R Harrison (n 3 above) vi.