1. Bell, D. 1970a. “School Litigation Strategies for the 1970’s: New Phases in the Continuing Quest for Quality Schools.”Wisconsin Law Review1970 (2): 257–297.
2. In Defense of Minority Admissions Programs: A Response to Professor Graglia
3. Bell, D. 1970c. “Black Students in White Law Schools: The Ordeal and the Opportunity.”University of Toledo Law Review1970: 539–558.
4. Bell, D. 1971. “Black Faith in a Racist Land: A Summary Review of Racism in American Law.”Journal of Public Law20: 409–425. Reprinted inHoward Law Journal, sec 17 Howard Law 300.
5. Bell, D. 1973. “Racism in American Courts: Case for Black Disruption or Despair.”California Law Review61 (1): 165–203.