1. Predicting submerged aquatic vegetation cover and occurrence in a Lake Superior estuary
2. Batiuk RA, Orth R, Moore K, Stevenson JC, Dennison W, Staver L, Carter V, Rybicki N, Hickman R, Kollar S, Bieber S. 1992. Submerged aquatic vegetation habitat requirements and restoration targets: a technical synthesis. USEPA Chesapeake Bay Program; Annapolis, MD.
3. Batiuk RA, Bergstrom P, Kemp M, Koch E, Murray L, Stevenson JC, Bartleson R, Carter V, Rybicki N, Landwehr JM, et al. 2000. Chesapeake Bay submerged aquatic vegetation water quality and habitat-based requirements and restoration targets: a second technical synthesis. U.S. E.P.A., Chesapeake Bay Program; Annapolis, MD, 220 p.
4. Restoration options for potential persistence of submersed aquatic vegetation: combining ecological, hydrodynamic and sediment transport modelling
5. Interactions between Macrophytes, Epiphytes and Herbivores: An Experimental Approach