1. The fatal flaw: the media and the Russian invasion of Georgia
2. Alannews , 1990 . Declaration on Genocide of 1920 in South Ossetia [online], 20 September. Available from:http://ohranamos-mvd.ru/89-deklaracija-o-genocide-1920-goda-v-juzhnojj-osetii.html[Accessed 16 November 2011] .
3. The Russian case for military intervention in Georgia: international law, norms and political calculation
4. APN News Agency , 2008 . Rossiiskii MID Obrashaetsya k Gruzinskim Vlastyam (Russian MFA appeals to the Georgian authorities) [online], 9 August,http://www.apn.ru/news/article20595.htm[Accessed 16 November 2011] .