1. An investigation of a near - stoichiometric CH4/CCl4/air premixed flat flame
2. Morse, J.S., Cundy, V.A. and Lester, T.W. Thermal destruction of carbon tetrachloride. Spring Meeting, Western section. March21–221988, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. pp.299–310. Pittsburgh, PA, USA: The Combustion Institute.
3. Silcox, G.D. and Perching, D.W. Heat transfer modeling in a rotary kiln for hazardous industrial wastes. AIChE Spring Nation Meeting. March6–10, New Orleans. pp.110–119. New York, USA: AICHE.
4. Magnussen, B.F. and Hjertager, H. On mathematical modeling of turbulent combustion with special emphasis on soot formation and combustion. 16th Symposium(International) on Combustion. pp.714Pittsburgh, PA, USA: The Combustion Institute.