1. Almond, GW, Dial, GD, Pressing, AL and Hilley, HD. LH response of seasonally anoestrous sows to estradiol. (Abstr) 48, Chpt 1. Proc 9th Int Pig Vet Soc Congr. Barcelona, Spain.
2. Almond, GW, Dial, GD, Pressing, AL and Hilley, HD. Pulsatile LH release in the anoestrous and cyclic sow. (Abstr) 97, Chpt 1. Proc 9th Int Pig Vet Soc Congr. Barcelona, Spain.
3. Seasonal differences in function of the hypothalamic--hypophysial--ovarian axis in weaned primiparous sows
4. Effect of Restriction of Energy during Lactation on Body Condition, Energy Metabolism, Endocrine Changes and Reproductive Performance in Primiparous Sows
5. Effects of naloxone or transient weaning on secretion of LH and prolactin in lactating sows