1. Eck Johannes. Aristotelis acroseases physicae: Libri 8 Joa. Argiropilo interprete adiectis Joan Ecki adnotationibus et commentariis . Augusta Vindelicorum: Grimm et Wirsing 1518 (hereafter quoted as Aristotelis physicae Eckii commentariis ).
2. Eck Johannes. De Anima Libri 3. Per Argyropilum. De sensu et sensatu … De memoria et reminiscientia … De somno et vigilia … De longitudine et brevitate vitae … Ex antiqua traductione. Adiectis Eckij Commentariis Augsburg: Grimm und Wirsung 1520 (hereafter quoted as De Anima Ecki Commentariis ).
3. Continuity and change in the Aristotelian tradition
4. From Pope Urban VIII to Bishop Etienne Tempier: The Strange History of the Doctrine of ‘Double Truth’;Bianchi Luca.;Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie,2017
5. Celenza Christopher S. “The Revival of Platonic PHilosophy.” In The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy edited by James Hankins. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007.