1. Spanish Football
2. Italian Football
3. Boscá , J.E. , Liern , V. , Martínez , A. & Sala , R. 2006 : Increasing offensive or defensive efficiency? An analysis of Italian and Spanish football . Omega . (Articles in Press) Available online: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob_PublicationURL&_tockey_%23TOC%235944%239999%999 999999%2399999%23FLA%23&_cdi_5944&_pubType_J&view_c&_auth_y&_acct_C00000 7678&_version_1&_urlVersion_0&_userid_4155480&md5_ec7ca45a764d33425c0dc7638e2e 5589
4. English Football
5. Deloitte . 1999 . Informe Anual 1996/97 sobre Las Finanzas en la Primera División del Fútbol en España [In Spanish]. Retrieved from http://prensa.deloitte.es/view_manager.html?root=29,35,3828 .