1. T. Forster to W. Whewell, 24 December 1841, in Todhunter I.William Whewell, D. D., An account of his writingsLondon 1876 1 6 6 2 vols. The correspondent was probably Thomas Ignatius Maria Forster, a psychological and physiological writer. The full quote given by Todhunter is interesting: ‘We have all made some advances in merephysicalscience, but inmetaphysics, as far at least as I am concerned, I am not conscious of having advanced one single step, since the period when you and I and Herschel and Babbage used to meet at our Sunday morning's philosophical breakfasts in 1815’ (pp. 5–6).
2. Whewell to Rev. G. Morland, 15 December 1815 Todhunter I.William Whewell, D. D., An account of his writingsLondon 1876 1 29 29 2 vols. For Charles Lyell's attitude to this, seeibid, vol. 1, 112.
3. Whewell's Philosophy of Scientific Discovery. I