1. Galton coined the word ‘eugenics’ in hisInquiries into human faculty and its developmentLondon 1883 24 25 He mentions his previous use of the word ‘viriculture’ in the same place. For his use of ‘stirpiculture’ see Karl Pearson,The life, letters and labours of Francis Galton(4 vols., 1914–30, Cambridge), vol. 3a, 259. Whether Galton also coined ‘stirpiculture’, as Pearson claims, seems open to question; see the OED entry for ‘stirpiculture’.
2. Inquiries into human faculty and its development.
3. This definition is taken from Schuster EdgarEugenics: a science and an idealLondon 1912 13 13 For a brief account of how the definition came to be drawn up see Pearson (footnote 1), vol. 3a, 221–224.