1. 1928 Democratic Party Platform. Accessed December 20, 2011. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=29594#axzz1lzJ0C0ML.
2. Barkan, Elazar. The Retreat of Scientific Racism: Changing Concepts of Race in Britain and the United States Between the World Wars. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
3. Americanization from the Bottom Up: Immigration and the Remaking of the Working Class in the United States, 1880-1930
4. Bernstein, Barton J. “The Conservative Achievements of Liberal Reform.” In Towards a New Past: Dissenting Essays in American History, edited by Barton J.Bernstein. New York: Pantheon, 1967.
5. Bindas, Kenneth. All of this Music Belongs to the Nation: the WPA's Federal Music Project and American Society. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1995.