1. Harris , D. R. 1964. Naval Reactors Physics Handbook, Edited by:
Radkowsky , A. Vol. I, 1085–1142. USAEC. Chap. 5
2. Evaluated Nuclear Data File, versions IV and V, maintained and distrib. by NNDC, Brookhaven National Laboratory
3. Stamatelatos , M. G. 1975. Los Alamos Lab. rept. LA-5860-MS
4. Stamatelatos , M. G. and
England , T. R. 1976. LA-NUREG-6345-MS, with addendum I
5. England , T. R.
Wilczynski , R. and
Whittemore , N. L. 1975. Los Alamos National Lab. rept. LA-5885-MS