1. Weber, W. J., Turcotte, R. P., Bunnell, L. R., Roberts, F. P. and Westsik, J. H. Jr. 1979.Ceramics in Nuclear Waste Management, Edited by: Chikalla, T. D. and Mendel, J. E. pp. 294–299. Springfield, VA: National Technical Information Service. CONF-790420
2. McCarthy, G. J., Pepin, J. G., Pfoertsch, D. E. and Clarke, D. G. 1979.Ceramics in Nuclear Waste Management, Edited by: Chikalla, T. D. and Mendel, J. E. pp. 315–320. Springfield, VA: National Technical Information Service. CONF-790420
3. Radiation Damage in Nuclear Waste Ceramics
4. Radiation Damage in a Rare-Earth Silicate With the Apatite Structure