1. Freer, Courtney, personal correspondence, 8 July 2020.
2. Krieg, Andreas, personal correspondence, 6 July 2020.
3. Off-the-record discussions with European (national and EU) current and former diplomats, military and intelligence officials in London, Brussels, Berlin, Paris, Washington, DC, and Doha, over the period 2012‒20.
4. European External Action Service (EEAS), “EU Backs Mediation Efforts to Resolve Gulf Crisis”, press release, 4 July 2017, available online at https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-Homepage/29255/eu-backs-mediation-efforts-resolve-gulf-crisis_fr.
5. European External Action Service (EEAS), “EU and Qatar Sign a Cooperation Arrangement”, press release, 7 March 2018, available online at https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage/40967/eu-and-qatar-sign-cooperation-arrangement_en.