1. Arab Youth Survey website, ASDA’A BCW, https://asdaa-bcw.com/en/arab-youth-survey/.
2. Assemblée de l’Union des Comores,Rapport de la commission d’enquête parlementaire sur la loi relative à la citoyenneté économique, rapport de synthèse[Report of the Parliamaentary Commision of Inquiry on the Law on Economic Citizenship: Synthesis] (December 2017), http://citizenshiprightsafrica.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Comores-Commission-enquete-citoyennete-economique-rapport-dec2017.pdf
3. Central Statistical Bureau, Kuwaiti Government website, “Population Estimates in Kuwait by Age, Nationality and Sex at 1L1L2020” (2020), www.csb.gov.kw/Pages/Statistics_en?ID=67&ParentCatID=%201.
4. Central Statistical Bureau, Kuwaiti Government website, “Population Estimate for the Years 2012 to 2015”, www.csb.gov.kw/Pages/Statistics_en?ID=67&ParentCatID=%201.
5. Gulf Labour Markets and Migration (GLMM) Programme, “GCC: Total Population and Percentage of Nationals and Foreign Nationals in GCC Countries (National Statistics, 2010–2016) (with numbers)”, https://gulfmigration.grc.net/gcc-total-population-percentage-nationals-non-nationals-gcc-countries-national-statistics-2010-2017-numbers/.