1. Alonso, A., J. J. Sendra, R. Suárez, and L. Álvarez. 2013. “Acoustic Assessment of Various Spatial Configurations in the Trascoro of the Cathedral of Seville.” Proceedings of the XX international congress on sound and vibration, Bangkok, July 7–11.
2. Alonso, A., R. Suárez, J.J. Sendra, and L. Álvarez. 2012. “La acústica del crucero de la catedral de Sevilla en las grandes celebraciones.” Proceedings of the VIII Iberaoamerican acoustics congress and XLIII Spanish acoustics congress, Evora, October 1–3.
3. Álvarez, L., A. Alonso, M. Galindo, T. Zamarreño, and S. Girón. 2011. “Initial Acoustic Model to Simulate the Sound Field of the Cathedral of Seville.” Proceedings of the international seminar on virtual acoustics, Valencia, November 23–24.
4. London, St Paul's Cathedral: Tallis Scholars' 40th Anniversary Concert: Jackson, Whitacre and Walker