1. Council of Europe Explanatory Memorandum of the Committee of Experts on Health Services in a Multicultural Society, Available from: https://wcd.coe.int/ViewDoc. jsp?id=1062769&BackC. Last accessed 11 March 2008
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3. The Amsterdam declaration towards migrant-friendly hospitals in an ethno-culturally diverse Europe, Available from: http://www.mfh-eu.net/public/european_recommendations. htm. Last accessed 27 January 2008
4. Csitkovics M, Eder A, Matuschek H, Pöchhacker F. Die gesundheitliche Situation von MigrantInnen in Wien. 1997, Kommunikation mit Nichtdeutschsprachigen in Wiener Gesundheits- und Sozialeinrichtungen. Wien: MA 15, Dezernat für Gesundheitsplanung