1. "Aliens Will Be Moved as Needed, Gen. DeWitt Replies to Opposition" (1942) New York Times, 2 March.
2. Altschull, J. Herbert (1984) Agents cf Power. The role of the news media in human affairs. New York: Longman. American Civil Liberties Union website, http: / www.adu.org/congress/1102301e.html
3. Bruck, John (1942) "California Gets Tough. The mood of the state as war draws closer", New York Times Magazine, 15 March, pp. A3, A39.
4. "Bush's Remarks to Cabinet and Advisers" (2001) New York Times, 13 September, p. A16.
5. Cormack, Mike (1995) Ideology, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.