1. Alleyne, Mark D. (1997) News Revolution: political and economic decisions about global information, London: Macmillan.
2. Baudrillard, Jean (2001) "Introduction (Poster) and the Masses: the implosion of the social in the media", in: Mark Poster (Ed.), BaudriIlard: selected writings, Oxford: Polity Press.
3. Bloomberg, Michael (2001) BIoomberg on Bloomberg (with invaluable help from Matthew Winkler), New York: John Wiley & Sons. (Bloomberg's autobiography largely written by his editor-in-chief Winkler.)
4. Boyd-Barrett, Oliver and Rantanen, Terhi (2001) "News Agency Foreign Correspondents", in: Jeremy Tunstall (Ed.), Media Occupations and Professions: a reader, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5. Boyd-Barrett Oliver, Palmer, Michael and Rantanen, Terhi (1998) The Globalization of News, London: Sage Publications.