1. Berger, Charles R. (1997) "Quantitative Depictions of Threatening Phenomena in News Reports: the scary world of frequency data", paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago.
2. Berger, Charles R. (1998) "Making It Worse than It Is: news reports of threatening trends and the scary world of quantitative data", paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communications Association, Jerusalem.
3. Cohen, Sarah (2001) Numbers in the Newsroom. Columbia, MO: Investigative Reporters and Editors.
4. DeFleur, Margaret (1997) Computer-Assisted Investigative Reporting. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
5. DeFleur, Margaret and Davenport, Luanda (1993) "Innovation Lag: computer-assisted classrooms vs. newsrooms". Journalism Educator 48, pp. 26-36.