'My Voice: My Place': Tracking Transformations in Urban Governance


Coaffee Jon1,Healey Patsy2


1. Global Urban Research Unit, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU,

2. Centre for Research in European Urban Environments, University of Newcastle, Claremont Tower, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK.


This paper develops an institutionalist framework for analysing transformations in urban governance, focusing in particular on assessing the potential of initiatives designed to 'mainstream' citizen participation and 'voice' in local government processes. The framework centres on an analytical conception of levels of social formation: specific episodes of collective action; the on-going work of governance practices and discourse formation and use; and underpinning culturally embedded assumptions and habits. The central argument is that transformations in urban governance capacity need to penetrate all three levels to effect enduring changes in governance cultures. The framework is used to assess the early experience of an attempt to introduce 'area committees' by Newcastle City Council, UK, and their ability to act as a 'voice for place'. The paper examines how far the area committee initiative has the potential to achieve the objectives set for it, the qualities of the emerging governance processes in the initiative and their potential to transform the wider context of urban governance in the city.


SAGE Publications


Urban Studies,Environmental Science (miscellaneous)

Reference59 articles.

1. Abers, R. (1998) Learning democratic practice: distributing government resources through popular participation in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in: M. Douglass and J. Friedmann (Eds) Cities for Citizens, pp. 39-66. London : Wiley.

2. Partnership Agencies British

3. Balducci, A. (1998) Consensus building, urban planning policies and the problem of scale: examples from the Italian experience, in: F. Coenen and D. Huitema (Eds) Participation and Environment, pp. 55-67. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers.

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