Growth in Commuting Distances in French Polycentric Metropolitan Areas: Paris, Lyon and Marseille


Aguilera Anne1


1. LVMT, 19 rue Alfred Nobel Cité Descartes, Champs sur Mame, F-77455 Marne la Vallée Cedex 2, France,


It has frequently been suggested in the literature that a polycentric distribution of employment and people shortens commuting distances because people locate within or close to their employment sub-centre (the co-location hypothesis). Having studied the three biggest French metropolitan areas over the past decade it has been established that co-location affects only a minority of inhabitants, of whom there are fewer in 1999 than there were nine years earlier. Indeed, the majority of people living in a sub-centre work outside their sub-centre of residence. This situation was even more marked in 1999 than it was in 1990. In addition to this, the majority of jobs located in sub-centres are held by non-residents who are generally living further and further from their place of work.


SAGE Publications


Urban Studies,Environmental Science (miscellaneous)

Reference35 articles.

1. Structure des localisations intra-urbaines et mobilité domicile-travail

2. Aguilera, A. and Mignot, D. (2003) Estrategias de localizacion de las empresas y dinamicas urbanas. el caso de Lyon, in: D. Villareal Gonzalez, D. Mignot and D. Hiernaux (Eds) Dinamicas metropolitanas y estructuracion territorial: Estudio Comparativo Mexico-Francia, pp. 39-56. Mexico City: Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana .

3. Sustainable cities: transport, energy, and urban form







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