1. “Summary of Indian Environmental Legislation and Guidelines”. Proceedings (and training manual vol.1) of the training workshop on environmental impact assessment and evaluation (Government of India, ADB/ESCAP). January18–24, Lucknow, India. pp.377–392. Anon. (adapted from ADB environment paper #2, 1988)
2. Biswas, A. K. “Effectiveness of Environmental Impact Assessment in Developing Countries.”. International conference on EIA for developing countries. Nov.28-Dec. 2, New Delhi.
3. De Soet, M. C. “First Experiences with Public Participation in EIA— Illustrated by the Application of EIA on a Large-scale Disposal Site for Harbor-dredged Material: The Sulfter Project.”. Proceedings of workshop on the role of environmental impact assessment in the decision-making process. Aug.1987. pp.253–265. Heidelberg, Germany