1. The Role of the Graduate Record Examinations in Graduate Admissions
2. Advocates consider testing to be unmatched in the impartial selection of students by revealing undiscovered talent and enhancing accountability, as well as efficiency in admissions determinations. Critics contend that tests measure too little too narrowly, and as such represent irrelevant, inaccurate, biased, elitist and artificial barriers to social equity and equal opportunity. The questions surrounding the GRE, accordingly, invite debate because they are simultaneously technical and political, and do not easily lend themselves to categorical answers. It is useful to distinguish between arguments that pertain to technical psychometric standards and those that concern the impact of test use on social values; the latter motivates much of the public debate on testing.
3. Lang, Eunice. August 1987. August, St. Louis: American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business. Telephone interview
4. Validity, vaudeville, and values: A short history of social concerns over standardized testing.