1. Community Gardens: Space for Interactions and Adaptations
2. From Environmental Trauma to Safe Haven: Place Attachment and Place Remaking in Three Marginalized Neighborhoods of Barcelona, Boston, and Havana
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4. Barthélémy, S. 2018, September 10. L’aménageur de Bastide Niel demande l’expulsion de Darwin au tribunal [journal: Bastide Niel’s developer calls for Darwin’s eviction in court] Rue89Bordeaux. Accessed 18 November 2021. https://rue89bordeaux.com/2018/09/lamenageur-de-bastide-niel-demande-lexpulsion-de-darwin-tribunal/
5. Byantikvaren i Oslo. 2018. Kulturminnegrunnlag for Trosterud og Haugerud [Cultural heritage guide for Trosterud and Haugerud]. Oslo kommune.