1. Cornell Council for the Arts. 2023. “2022 Cornell Biennial: Futurities Uncertain—Cornell Council for the Arts.” Accessed February 21 2023. https://cca.cornell.edu/2022-biennial/.
2. CR0WD. 2023. “Who We Are.” CR0WD. Accessed February 28 2023. https://www.cr0wd.org.
3. Ellen MacArthur Foundation. 2015. “Towards the Circular Economy: Business Rationale for an Accelerated Transition.” Accessed February 21 2023. https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/publications/towards-a-circulareconomy-business-rationale-for-an-accelerated-transition
4. Cultivated Building Materials
5. Building Capacity and Knowledge in the Local Economy