1. In such a project the role of the university adult educator may be pivotal in translating social science knowledge about Member-Centred and Client-Centred Groups and organisations for the proper design, testing and disseminating of IT tools which allow such groups to increase their effectiveness and accelerate their processes of cooperation and empowerment. A recent publication which seems relevant to such work is: Galegher, J., Kaut, R. and Egido, C. (1990)Intellectual teamwork: Social and Technological Foundations of Cooperative Work, LEA Publishers.
2. Curriculum Development in Computer Literacy
3. Cole, M. (1988).Bowles and Gintis Revisited, Falmer Press
4. Collins, T. (1988).Community Enterprise: Participation in Local Development, Doctoral Thesis, St Patrick's College, Maynooth, Ireland
5. Dede, C. (1985) ‘Education and social implications’, in T. Forrester (ed),The Information Technology Revolution, Oxford: Blackwell