1. A.H. Charnlev and H.A. Jones,Adult Literacy: a Study of its Impact, Leicester: NIAE, 1977; A.H. Charnley and H.A. Jones,The Concept of Success in Adult Literacy, Cambridge: Huntingdon, 1979; A.H. Charnley, ‘Aims and achievements of adults and remedial literacy schemes; with special reference to Cambridgeshire’, unpublished thesis, University of Leicester, 1978.
2. B.G. Glaser and A.L. Strauss,The Discovery of Grounded Theory, Chicago: Aldine, 1967.
3. G.A. Kelly,The Psychology of Personal Constructs, New York: Norton, 1955.
4. E. Gill, ‘The learning activities of illiterate adults’, unpublished thesis, University of Georgia, 1982.