1. Hangebrauck , R.P. , von Lehmden , D.J. and Meeker , J.E. ( 1967 ) Sources of Polynuclear Hydrocarbons in the Atmosphere. Public Health Service (now EPA) Publication Number 999-AP-33 (NT1S PB 174–706).
2. Chlorodibenzo-p-dioxins and chlorodibenzofurans are trace components of fly ash and flue gas of some municipal incinerators in The Netherlands
3. U.S. EPA ,Municipal Waste Combustion Study: Emission Data Base for Municipal Waste Combustors, EPA/530-SW-87–021b (NTIS PB 87–206082) June 1987 .
4. U.S. EPA.Municipal Waste Combustion Study: Assessment of HealthRisks Associated with Municipal waste Combustor Emissions, EPA/530-SW-87–021g (NTIS PB 87–206132) June 1987 .