1. Association of American Railroads,Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Truck Performance Specification for Rail Cars, Specification M-976, AAR, TTCI, Pueblo, CO, Revised 2006
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3. H.M. Tournay, H. Wu, and N. Wilson,Investigation into the Root Causes for Loaded Car Hunting, Research Report R-995, AAR, TTCI, Pueblo, CO, November 2008
4. J. Leary,Final Report on the Development of an Alternative AAR Interchange Wheel Profile, Research Report R-706, AAR, TTCI, Pueblo, CO, November 1988
5. H. Wu,Effects of Wheel and Rail Profiles on Vehicle Performance, Proceedings of 19th IAVSD Symposium, Milan, Italy, August 29–September 2, 2005