1. Chapter 44 Agricultural Extension
2. Benin , S. , Nkonya , E. , Okecho , G. , Pender , J. , Nahdy , S. , Mugarura , S. , Edward , K. Kayobyo , G. 2007 Assessing the Impact of the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) in the Uganda Rural Livelihoods . IFPRI Discussion Paper No. 724 , International Food Policy Research Institute , Washington, DC .
3. Do Village Organizations Make a Difference in African Rural Development? A Study for Senegal and Burkina Faso
4. Birner , R. Anderson , J.R. 2007 . How to Make Agricultural Extension Demand-Driven? The Case of India's Agricultural Extension Policy . IFPRI Discussion Paper 00729 , International Food Policy Research Institute , Washington, DC .
5. On the ‘Efficient Boundaries of the State’: The Contribution of Transaction-Costs Economics to the Analysis of Decentralization and Devolution in Natural Resource Management