1. Bank of Jamaica (2010) Balance of Payments Annual Reports 2001–2008. Available at http://www.boj.org.jm/publications/publications_show.php?publication_id = 4 (accessed 17 March 2010).
2. International Energy Agency, 2009. Key World Energy Statistics (2009), pp. 48–57.
3. Jamaica Public Service Company (2009) JPS 2005–2008 Annual Reports. Available at http://www.myjpsco.com/about_us/financials.php (accessed 20 March 2010).
4. Lakeman L. & Meikle B. (2010) Domestic water supply and energy costs: the national and regional perspective Paper presented at the Integrated Water Resources Management Symposium 24–25 February Kingston Jamaica.
5. Ministry of Mining and Energy, 2009. Jamaica's National Energy Policy 2009–2030 (2009), pp. 40–41.