1. Arts Council of Great Britain. 1975. British Image 1. London, Arts Council of Great Britain.
2. Baistow, Peter. 1975. Young British Photographers. London, Co-optic.
3. Barber. 1978. “Doing-it-Yourself: Touring Exhibitions.” Camerawork 10 July 8–9.
4. Berger John. 1978. “Ways of Remembering.” Camerawork 10 July 1–3.
5. Bertrand, Mathilde. 2012. “New York – London; the Crossover of a Modernist Conception of Photography from the Mid-60s to the Early 1970s.”, in London – New York: Exchanges, and Cross-Cultural Influences in the Art and Literature, edited by Claudine Armand, Pierre Degott, and Jean-Philippe Heberlé, 135–148. Nancy: PUN Editions Universitaires de Lorraine.