1. AKEL (1986) Έκθεση Kεντρικη´ς Eπιτρoπη´ς πρoς τo 16th Συνϵ´δριo τoυ AKEΛ [Report of the Central Committee to the 16th Congress of AKEL], Nicosia.
2. AKEL (1990) ‘17oΣυνϵ´δριo τoυ AKEΛ: ϒλικα´ και α´λλα Nτoκoυμϵ´ντα’ [17th Congress of AKEL: materials and other documents], Nicosia.
3. AKEL (1991) ‘Oι ϒπoψη´ϕιoι Boυλευτϵ´ς τoυ AKEΛ για τις Boυλευτικϵ´ς Eκλoγϵ´ς 1991’ [AKEL's MP candidates for the parliamentary elections of 1991], Nicosia.
4. AKEL (1996) ‘18oΣυνϵ´δριo τoυ AKEΛ: ϒλικα´ και α´λλα Nτoκoυμϵ´ντα’ [18th Congress of AKEL: materials and other documents], Nicosia.
5. AKEL (2001) ‘Aπoϕα´σεις και α´λλα Nτoκoυμϵ´ντα 19oυΣυνεδρι´oυ τoυ AKEΛ’ [Decisions and other documents of the 19th Congress of AKEL], Nicosia.