1. Crichton, V., J. Carwood-Edwards, J. Ryan, J. McTaggart, J. Collins, M. P. MacConnell, L. Wallace, C. Diamond, D. Grogan, and J. Carey. 2020. Realising the Ambition-Being Me: National Practice Guidance for Early Years in Scotland.
2. Play-based Learning and Intentional Teaching: Forever Different?
3. Gaunt, C. 2021. “04/10/21. Ministers Reportedly Planning to Change Staff: Child Ratios for Under-twos ‘To Cut Childcare Costs’”. Nursery World. https://www.nurseryworld.co.uk/news/article/ministers-reportedly-planning-to-change-staff-child-ratios-for-under-twos-to-cut-childcare-costs.