1. Brown, R. D. and Hutchinson, M. K. Ocean Tide Determination from Satellite Altimetry. Presented at COSPAR/SCOR/IUCRM Symposium on Oceanography from Space. May26–30, Venice, Italy.
2. Coleman, R. Regional Ocean Surface Circulation from Satellite Altimetry. Presented at “COSPAR/SCOR/IUCRM Symposium on Oceanography from Space. May26–30, Venice, Italy.
3. Diamante, J.M. and Nee, T. Application of Satellite Radar Altimeter Data to the Determination of Regional Tidal Constituents and the Mean Sea Surface. Presented at COSPAR/SCOR/IUCRM Symposium on Oceanography from Space. May26–30, Venice, Italy.