1. Alvial, G., Bonetti, A., Di Corato, M., DilWorth, C., Levi Setti, R., Milone, A., Occhialini, G., Scarsi, L. and Tomasini, G. Report of the Pisa Conference on Elementary Particles. (to be published in II Nuovo Cimento)
2. LVI. The properties of charged V-particles
3. Armenteros, R., Astier, A., D'Andlan, C., Gregory, B., Hendel, A., Hennessy, J., Lagarrigue, A., Leprince‐Ringuet, L., Mueller, F., Peyrou, C. and Rau, R. R. Report of the Pisa Conference.
4. Further discussion of the Kμ decay modedecay mode
5. Arnold, W. H., Ballam, J., Hodson, A. L., Lindeberg, G. K., Rau, R. R., Reynolds, G. T. and Treiman, S. B. Report of the Pisa Conference.