1. Cesium Removal from Hanford Tank Waste Solution Using Resorcinol‐Formaldehyde Resin
2. Chemical and radiation stability of SuperLig{reg_sign}644, resorcinol-formaldehyde, and CS-100 cesium ion exchange materials
3. Fiskum, S. K., Augspurger, B. S., Brooks, K. P., Buchmiller, W. C., Russell, R. L., Schweiger, M. J., Snow, L. A., Steele, M. J., Thomas, K. K., Wallace, D. E., Wong, N. H., Yeager, J. D. and Blanchard Jr., D. L. 2004. “Comparison Testing of Multiple Resorcinol‐Formaldehyde Resins for the River Protection Project—Waste Treatment Plant, January 2004, PNWD‐3387, Rev. 0,”. Battelle—Pacific Northwest Division, Richland, WA