1. Gao, Z. 2003. Scaling and bandwidth-parameterization based controller tuning.Proc. of the 2003 American Control Conference. June2003, Denver, CO, USA. pp.4989–4996.
2. Gao, Z. 2004. Reformulation of motion control problems and a new perspective on research.The 10th Anniversary (2004) Conference for the Mathematics Institute. June242004, East China Normal University.
3. Gao, Z, Haung, Y and Han, J. 2001a. An alternative paradigm for control system design.Proc. of the 2001 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. December4–72001a, Orlando, FL, USA. Vol. 5, pp.4578–4585.
4. Gao, Z, Hu, S and Jiang, F. 2001b. A novel motion control design approach based on active disturbance rejection.2001 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 2001b.
5. Gao, Z and Rhinehant, R. 2004. Theory vs. practice: The challenges from industry.Proc. of the 2004 American Control Conference. June 30–July 22004, Boston, MA. pp.1341–1349.