1. Annandale D (1999)Enviroworks: The Potential for Green Jobs in Western AustraliaA Report for the Department of Training (Institute for Environmental Science, Murdoch University)
2. Australian Conservation Foundation and the Australian Council of Trade Unions (1994)Green Jobs in Industry Research Report(Melbourne, Australian Conservation Foundation and the Australian Council of Trade Unions)
3. Department of Industry, Science and Resources (2000)Investing in Sustainability: Environment Industry Action Agenda(Canberra, Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Commonwealth of Australia)
4. Department of Primary Industries and Energy (1996)Sustainable Energy Policy for Australia Green Paper(Canberra, Commonwealth of Australia)
5. Green Skills Inc. Annandale D Morrison‐Saunders A (2002)Environmental Jobs in Western Australia: The Results of an Employer Survey in 2002prepared for the Western Australian Department of Training (Denmark, Green Skills Inc.)