1. 40 años del Sistema Universidad Abierta de la UNAM. Crónica histórica
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3. Una aventura en movimiento: breve historia de los MOOC en la UNAM
4. Characterizing UNAM’s Open Education System Using the OOFAT Model
5. Chand, R., Darojat, O., Gao, Y., Hassan, M., Morocho, M., Ogunsola-Bandele, M., Reyes M., & Ubachs, G. (2023). In A. Tait (Ed.), Report from the ICDE quality network: Global quality perspectives on open, flexible and distance learning 2022. International Council for Open and Distance Education. https://www.icde.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/ICDE-Quality-Network-Report-2022-1.pdf