1. On an Inequality That Implies the Lower Bound Formula for the Probability of Correct Selection in the Levin-Robbins-Leu Family of Sequential Binomial Subset Selection Procedures
2. Levin, B., and C.S. Leu. 2013b. On Two Lemmas Used to Establish a Key Inequality that Implies the Lower Bound Formula for the Probability of Correct Selection in the Levin-Robbins-Leu Family of Sequential Binomial Subset Selection Procedures, Technical Report #B-148, Department of Biostatistics, Columbia University, Accessed March 18, 2013. http://www.columbia.edu/∼bl6/appendices/.
3. Levin, B., and C.S. Leu. 2020. On Bounds for Single-Index Components of a Function that Implies the Lower Bound Formula in the Levin-Robbins-Leu Family of Sequential Subset Selection Procedures, Technical Report #B-168, Department of Biostatistics, Columbia University, Accessed June 04, 2020. http://www.columbia.edu/∼bl6/appendices/.
4. Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and Its Applications
5. Some Methods applicable to Identities and Inequalities of Symmetric Algebraic Functions of n Letters