1. Anzaldúa, G., & Moraga, C. (Eds.). (1981). This bridge called my back. Kitchen Table/Women of Color Press.
2. Anzaldúa, G., & Moraga, C. (1987). Borderlands, la Frontera: The new mestiza. Aunt Lute Books.
3. Anzaldúa, G., & Moraga, C. (1990). Borderlands, la Frontera: The new mestiza making face, making soul/Haciendo Caras: Creative and critical perspectives by feminists of color. Aunt Lute Books.
4. "Tortillerismo": Work by Chicana Lesbians
5. de la Peña, T. (1991). Beyond El Camino Real. In C. Trujillo (Ed.), Chicana lesbians: The girls our mothers warned us about (pp 85–94). Third Woman Press.