1. Boutsalis K. (2020 September 20). The art of fire: Reviving the indigenous craft of cultural burning. The Narwhal. https://thenarwhal.ca/indigenous-cultural-burning/
2. British Columbia Ministry of Water Land and Resource Stewardship. (2024). Snow survey and water supply bulletin – February 1st 2024. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/air-land-water/water/drought-flooding-dikes-dams/river-forecast-centre/snow-survey-water-supply-bulletin.
3. “Where there is fire, there is politics”: Ungovernability and Material Life in Urban South Africa
4. Galiano Conservancy Association. (2022). One island one earth: An ecological footprint and fingerprint for Galiano Island. https://galianoconservancy.ca/oneisland/
5. Lorde, A. (2017). A burst of light and other essays. Dover Publications. (Original work published 1988)