1. Edward J. Balleisen () is Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies and Professor of History and Public Policy at Duke University. He is also PI for Duke's NEH NextGen PhD implementation grant, an initiative to help humanities Ph.D. programs rethink doctoral training for the 21st century. Balleisen's recent books include Fraud: An American History from Barnum to Madoff (2017) and the co-edited interdisciplinary volume, Policy Shock: Recalibrating Risk and Regulation after Oil Spills, Nuclear Accidents,...
2. Maria LaMonaca Wisdom () is Duke Graduate School's first extra-departmental advisor for humanities Ph.D. students and also Project Director for the NEH-funded program, Versatile Humanists at Duke. Previously, she was Executive Director for the Institute for the Arts and Humanities at UNC Chapel Hill. Wisdom's background includes eleven years an English professor at Columbia College in South Carolina; she is the author of Masked Atheism: Catholicism and the Secular Victorian Home (2008).