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2. Annis G, DeBacker M, Diamond D, Elliott L, Garringer A, Hanberry P, James K, Lee R, Leis S, Morey M, et al. 2011a. George Washington Carver National Monument natural resource condition assessment. Natural Resource Report NPS/HTLN/NRR—2011/425. Fort Collins (CO): National Park Service.
3. Annis G, DeBacker M, Diamond D, Elliott L, Garringer A, Hanberry P, James K, Lee R, Leis S, Morey M, et al. 2011c. Wilsons Creek National Battlefield natural resource condition assessment. Natural Resource Report NPS/HTLN/NRR—2011/427. Fort Collins (CO): National Park Service.
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5. Habitat heterogeneity drives the geographical distribution of beta diversity: the case of
ealand stream invertebrates