1. Carlsson, G., Dahlberg, K., Dahlberg, H. & Ekebergh, M. (in press). Patients longing for authentic personal care: A phenomenological study of violent encounters in psychiatric settings.Issues in Mental Health Nursing.
2. Dahlberg, K., Drew, N. & Nyström, M. (2001).Reflective lifeworld research. Lund, Sweden: Studentlitteratur.
3. Dahlberg, K., Fryklund, B., Jacobson, L. & Jälthammar, Å. (1999).Får vårdtagarna det som vårdgivarna tror att de ger dem? En studie av rehabiliterande vård i hemmet[A health science study of rehabilitation in home-based care] (Research Report, No. 2). Sweden: School of Health Sciences, Borås University College.
4. Gadamer, H-G. (1995).Truth and method(2nd rev. ed.) (J. Weinsheimer & D. Marshall, Trans.). New York: The Continuum Publishing Company. (Original work published 1960)
5. Gadamer, H-G. (1996).The enigma of health(J. Gaiger & N. Walker, Trans.). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. (Original work published 1993)