1. Flexible Assertive Community Treatment, Mental Health Organization (MHO) GGZ Oost Brabant Land van Cuijk en Noord Limburg, Boxmeer, The Netherlands
2. Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen, NijCare, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
3. Flexible Assertive Community Treatment, Community Mental Health Service GGZ Noord-Holland Noord, Alkmaar, The Netherlands
4. Parnassia Psychiatric Institute, Den Haag, The Netherlands
5. Centrum voor Trauma en Gezin, MHO De Bascule, Duivendrecht, The Netherlands
6. Harvard Medical School, Health Care Policy, Boston, MA, USA
7. Centre of Economic Evaluation, Trimbos Institute (Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction), Utrecht, The Netherlands
8. Amsterdam Public Health research Institute, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
9. Department of Behavioral Sciences. Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
10. PSYTREC, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
11. Institute of Health and Society, University of Worcester, Worcester, UK
12. Department of Clinical Psychology, VU University Amsterdam and EMGO Institute (Health and Care Research), Amsterdam, The Netherlands