1. Andreassen , K. 1988. Modell for bruttoprisberegning av skogbestand. Dept of Forest Mensuration, Agric. Univ. of Norway, Ås, Melding 45 140 ISBN 82-575-5011-6. (In Norwegian.)
2. Anon. 1985. SAS User's Guide: Statistics. Version, 5 edn., 956Gary, NC: SAS Institute. ISBN 0-917382-66-8
3. Blingsmo , K. 1984. Diameter increment functions for stands of Birch, Scots pine and Norway spruce, Norw. For. Res. Inst., As. Research Paper of Norw. For. Res. Inst. 7/84 22 ISSN 0333-001X. (In Norwegian with English summary.)
4. Blingsmo , K. and
Veidahl , A. 1992. Functions for gross price of standing spruce and pine trees. Dept of Forest Sci- ences, Agric. Univ. of Norway, As. Research Paper of Skogforsk 8/92 23 ISBN 82-7169-534-7. (In Norwegian with English summary.)