1. Abou Jaoude, A. (2004). Applied mathematics: Numerical methods and algorithms for applied mathematicians (Ph.D. thesis). Bircham International University. Retrieved from http://www.bircham.edu
2. Abou Jaoude, A. (2005). Computer science: Computer simulation of Monte Carlo methods and random phenomena (Ph.D. thesis). Bircham International University. Retrieved from http://www.bircham.edu
3. Abou Jaoude, A. (2007). Applied statistics and probability: Analysis and algorithms for the statistical and stochastic paradigm (Ph.D. thesis). Bircham International University. Retrieved from http://www.bircham.edu
4. Abou Jaoude, A. (2012). Advanced analytical model for the prognostic of industrial systems subject to fatigue (Ph.D. thesis). Aix-Marseille Université and the Lebanese University, defended on December 7.
5. Abou Jaoude, A. (2013a). Automatic control and prognostic (chap. 3, pp. 115–152). Saarbrucken: Scholars’ Press.